Change is not a decision.
It happens.
And it affects everyone.
How does one manage not to be overrun?
How can you help shape change or even drive it forward, become a change leader yourself?
Many readers of brandeins have asked us these questions, wished for support. Our answer:
We bring you together with the right people.
Groups of like-minded people
brand eins Safari trains hand-picked, cross-industry peer groups of a maximum of 12 women and men who want to make a difference. Everyone contributes their own personal plans. Each benefits from the experience of the others. In essence, it's about a confidential exchange and that it doesn't stop there - but that everyone really makes progress.
The group meets four times a year, the meetings last one or two days and build on each other. Experienced coaches facilitate.
What Kessels & Smit contributes
We accompany the groups of brand eins Safari as such experienced coaches on their third meeting. Then, when it gets more personal. Specifically, we work on critical incidents: we practice an event that each participant chooses for himself, with professional actors. An event in which things manifest themselves that you would like to improve or change. A situation that they have experienced in their daily work, experience again and again, or have in front of them. Difficult conversations with which they are confronted again and again or an unpleasant telephone call which they soon have to make. Sessions or meetings in which things are slowing down or where you feel that you can moderate them much better. Any incident that has been ineffective in some way for them and that they want to deal with better in the future.
Change always begins with the person acting at a certain moment. Our starting point is therefore such a moment of truth - so that ultimately other results arise from the changed action.