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De tekst ‘learning’ werd 1690 keer gevonden in 560 pagina's.

17. Metawerk en portfolio : een weg naar zelfsturing ?! Portfolio in de geïntegreerde lerarenopleidingen
  ... ,cat_interventions,cat_learning# Designing learning programmes ...
  ... cat_designingLearning interventions Learning & personal ...

18. Ooit een chimpansee zien leren? Werkend spelen, spelend werken
  ... cat_interventions,cat_learning,cat_designing# Learning ...
  ... interventions Learning & personal development Designing ...

19. The Learning Infrastructure of Self-Managing Work teams
  ... The Learning Infrastructure of Self-Managing ...

20. Learning programmes for consultants and designers
  ... s whatSmit, we also regularly host learning activities to share our knowledge ...
  ... makes it a rich group. Our learning activities As Kessels & ...
  ... knowledge institutions, we provide learning programmes in the field of ...

21. Facing Stories
  ... cat_learning ...
  ... Kessels & Smit, The Learning Company ...

22. ‘Leerpraktijken’ in de gehandicaptenzorg
  ... cat_learning,cat_interventions# Learning & personal development Learning ...

23. Leren ontwikkelen van mens en organisatie. In gesprek met Manon Ruijters
  ... cat_learning,cat_interventions# Learning & personal development Learning ...

24. Wie en Waar? Het belang van relationele kennis
  ... cat_learning,cat_interventions# Learning & personal development Learning ...